“HTML5 Popover & Dialog API’s: Say Goodbye to Complex Javascript and CSS Codes”

If you’ve been coding for a while, you might remember how difficult it was to create popovers. Popovers are small floating UI elements like tooltips, dropdowns, or modals. Before the Popover API, we had to rely on a combination of CSS, JavaScript, and sometimes third-party libraries. This approach made the code bulky and difficult to

JavaScript Tips and Tricks For Better Web Development

JavaScript is a versatile language that’s packed with powerful features. Whether you’re a beginner or have been coding for a while, knowing some handy tips and tricks can make your development process smoother. In this blog, we’ll explore several useful JavaScript features including Array.from(), Object.seal() and Object.freeze(), flatMap(), insertAdjacentHTML(), createTreeWalker(), how to remove duplicates from

OTP Login System in ReactJS: Mostly asked Interview Question

In today’s digital world, verifying user identity is crucial for secure applications, and one of the most common ways to do so is through One-Time Passwords (OTP). This blog will walk you through a React component for implementing a phone number login feature with OTP verification. You’ll learn how to handle form validations, manage state

React Pagination: Front End Machine Coding Interview Question

Pagination is a critical concept in web development, especially for managing large datasets displayed on web pages. Implementing pagination not only improves performance by reducing data load but also enhances user experience by organizing information into manageable chunks. If you’re preparing for machine coding interviews, especially for roles involving front-end technologies like React, understanding how

JavaScript Mastery: GroupBy, Record, Tuple, HashMap & HashSet.

1. Grouping in JavaScript: Object.groupBy() and Map.groupBy() For a long time, JavaScript didn’t have a simple, built-in way to group items in arrays based on a condition or property. Developers often had to write custom code using loops or reduce(). While this worked, it wasn’t always efficient or easy to understand, especially for beginners. Now,

CSS Simplified: Advanced Tricks Every Designer Should Know

CSS is the backbone of beautiful and interactive web designs. Advanced CSS techniques enhance the user experience by making your websites dynamic, responsive, and visually appealing. Let’s dive into each topic with practical examples. In this blog, we’ll explore CSS Counters, Pseudo-Classes (:has() and :not()), the resize property, and linear gradients on text. 1. CSS

10 Most Powerful HTML Elements & Attributes You Need To Know

In this blog, we’ll explore 10 powerful HTML Elements and attributes. <mark> for highlighting important text. <details> and <summary> for collapsible content sections. <base> for managing global link behavior. Direct contact links (mailto:, tel:, sms:) for user interaction. download attribute to enable direct file downloads. rel=”noopener noreferrer” for boosting security in external links. <datalist> for

10 Most Useful HTML Tricks You Need To Know.

HTML is the backbone of web development. In this blog, we will explore 10 essential HTML tips that can save you time and boost productivity. controls: Adds built-in media controls to audio and video elements. contenteditable: Makes elements directly editable in the browser. draggable: Enables interactive drag-and-drop functionality. Auto-refresh: Uses the <meta> tag to refresh

10 Important ReactJs Tips You Need To Know

1. “Destructure Props Directly Instead of Accessing Them Individually“ ❌ Bad: Accessing props repeatedly makes the code harder to read. ✅ Good: Destructure props at the start for cleaner and more readable code. 2. Make Sure To Set Default Values for Props While Destructuring them. ❌ Bad: defining default values in multiple places introduces new redundant variables.